We’d like to insert somewhat of a foreword here to highlight that no, we do not have anything against traditional, conventional engagement sessions. In fact, we enjoy doing those, too! However, we can’t deny that couples who prefer a more casual, intimate narrative to these images celebrating their new chapter in life to be a breath of fresh air, and we’re glad that it has become more common, too!
Going against the norm with on location shoots and picking a wardrobe that does not consist of full-fledged gowns or suits can be slightly over-whelming, especially if you haven’t considered going down that route prior to this. On the other hand, you might also find that all that effort of make-up and elaborate hair styling might not be for you, and that’s all right! These images should reflect on you and the love you have together, anyway!
So, because we’ve done quite a number of these in our time, we’ve put together a collective of pointers from all of us at Munkeat Studio revolving around these cozy, sweet and heartfelt sessions.
Why the need to confine yourselves into the parameters of a Studio set when nature and your city have so much to offer? From quant little café’s the two of you visit often or a stroll around the city, to beautiful scenic spots filled with lush greens or waterfalls that’s just a hike away, pick a location that pulls on your heartstrings. You wouldn’t even have the need for props, just your love!

Quiet and intimate without any distractions whatsoever, have you considered an in-home session? It’s so heart-warming, documenting love and life in the space you love and live and to be able to catch your true selves.

From backyards and gardens, to parks and open fields, a simple space can go a long way with a little love and styling. We’re always skimming through Pinterest and pinning things to our Boards (come on now, we all do it!) wondering if we’d be able to pull that setting off. Of course you can! Whether you’re opting for DIY options or hiring a stylist, some simple decorating can do a lot!

We at Munkeat Studio have a really soft spot when it comes to your love stories, and if you’d let us, we’d love to incorporate bits and pieces of you into your photographs. Picking, revisiting and taking photographs at sentimental places that tell stories of how you met, how you fell in love and what you’re all about are the sweetest!

Keeping up with romantically simple vibes, you can never go wrong with solid, neutral colors. They’ll always look good no matter what location you pick. If you’ve got a vibrant, printed sundress or maxi, go with it! Flowy, patterned dresses are very flattering, too.

This has been talked about a lot, and it is safe to say that there have been many different theories in regards to the best time of the day to shoot. Soft light, harsh light, golden hour, blue hour, you name it. What’s the best time of the day to shoot? Well, that depends on you, of course!
Although Sunrise does seem like the perfect idea, you’ll have to take into account your preparation time. Yes, this one goes out to our ladies. Sunrise definitely is beautiful, but waking up hours before sunrise to get ready and make the journey to the chosen location proves to be a rather stressful task. This day should be easygoing and fun – something for you to remember, always! Starting your session at 8 or 9AM means getting that beautiful, quiet sunlight and getting some dramatic, sweet backlit frames later on, too!
You guessed it: Sunset. When aiming for Golden hour moments, we tend to start our session at about 5PM. Warming you up in front of the camera and stealing shots whilst waiting for the moment to chase that light is all part and parcel of sunset fun!
Blue Hours
We Mentioned Blue Hour earlier on. What’s that? According to trusty Wikipedia, “blue hour comes late in the dusk each evening, when the Sun is at a significant depth below the horizon and when the residual, indirect sunlight takes on a predominantly blue and purple shade.” Moody and romantic, but not appreciated enough - we’d stay back past sunset to use that brief blue hour, too!
& here’s the most important piece of advice we have for you - Be yourselves. Have fun, let loose, make each other laugh and play! These moments-in-between make for the best photographic memories.