There’s been much ado about First Looks. A thing that’s been done time and again in our western counterparts but now, slowly catching on here in Asia. More couples have been opting to have a First Look and others have no idea what it really is, how it works and why they should consider doing it. We at Munkeat Studio have been more than glad to embrace this new (or old, for some) tradition and because we’ve done quite a number, we thought we’d share with you what we know about it!

A First look shoot is, basically (and quite literally) when the bride and groom see each other for the first time on their wedding day. This takes place in a more private setting before making your way down the isle or just before the ceremony. No, it shouldn’t have to be a big, staged or dramatic moment like you may think. We believe that big things live in the intimate, genuine moments, so maybe you’d like to keep it simple and sweet.

At Munkeat Studio, we love doing them for several reasons. Everyone has different opinions and takes on first looks and it is important for us to share with you this so that you can decide whether you’d like to have one or not.
It’s moments before the wedding. You’ve spent a lot of time and effort preparing for this day. Billions of people in the world and all these winding roads have lead you to this one person you’d spend the rest of your life with. You’re nervous, anticipating what’s to come, and there’s nothing that calms the nerves for both of you than finally getting to see one another before it all starts! Spend some time alone to take it all in, together.
Making time for a First Look means that you’d be making time to say the things you want to say but you won’t be able to in front of everyone during the ceremony. Some couples even choose to exchange letters of love, share promises or even exchange their own vows during this time. It’s one of the only moments that you’d get to be alone throughout the whole day and really take it all in. From how the two of you look, to the way you feel. After all, it is these emotional, heartfelt moments that makes for the best photographic memories
Although we do enjoy documenting first looks, we do understand that it is not for everyone. If you’ve always imagine that the first sight of one another would be at the moment of the ceremony, then so be it. Having your first look as you walk into the room or down the isle is also a beautiful thing. It’s your day, and we’re all out for doing it your way!